Commercial Property For Sale in Kolfe Keranio

Commercial Property For Sale in Kolfe Keranio
Commercial Property For Sale in Kolfe Keranio

Please note that the original purchase price is still subject to tax for both the value of property as well as interest. It is your responsibility to consult the tax office for a full estimate of price changes before you place your sale order. Please be sure to check the invoice prior to placing your sale order so that any change in price is due to our best efforts to correct the situation and to comply with applicable law. At times the value of property changes will change throughout the year and we are unable to estimate and correct any balance due to any change in value. Any changes that have not been promptly corrected by the IRS and you will not be able to claim your total value.

It is important to note that you can return any property you receive as gift to us. If a new property arrives we will not be able to take care of it until we have collected its value. Once the property is processed we will be unable to take the loss or delay in using it for our business. If you have received prior notice of a transfer please inform us and make your payment to us in accordance with Section 704.9 and/or our sales contract as a tax-deductible form of payment. We will work with you to collect any new fees that are due.

We may only accept cash from your tax return and from all other bank accounts we accept currency. Commercial Property For Sale in Kolfe Keranio

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